Thursday 16 March 2023

Adamu: Alansmith Expanding Frontiers To Other African Domestic Leagues


Adamu: Alansmith Expanding Frontiers To Other African Domestic Leagues 

Joshua Adamu, Chief Operating Officer (COO) of FIFA and CAF-certified synthetic pitch installation firm, Alansmith Nigeria Limited has given the main reason why they are the one-stop shop for stadium facilities.

Adamu in a chat with the press, expressed his delight as his work at the FC Ebedei Stadium is earning praises and that, about eight players have moved to Denmark to improve on their professional careers.

 It two years and the FC Ebedei Stadium pitch is looking new, it says a lot about the job done and the quality of turf installed on the pitch, can you tell us more about it?

A-First of all I like to credit the team for always looking for the best, like I always say "a good product sells itself" Alansmith Nigeria LTD would give quality products, professional services and excellent after-sales service for maintenance in the long run.

During these two years, FC Ebedei has had about eight (8) of its players move to Denmark to further their football career, credit to the facility installed by Alansmith Nigeria LTD as it's part of the club's success story, so how delighted are you?

I'm very intrigued that we have been able to bring European standards to Nigeria where there is no difference between playing abroad and on our turf which allows a smooth transition to where ever they find themselves because of the world-class facility they trained on while at home.

Teams have poured praises on your work, so how can teams in Nigeria's domestic league benefit from it?

We are accessible, we can be reached via Instagram and our website, and our motto is integrity and professionalism so teams in Nigeria who don't compromise standards and want quality jobs can rest assured that we are their one-stop shop.

Any plans to extend your work beyond the shores of Nigeria?

Yes of course, as we speak we are consulting for projects in African countries and with the COVID pandemic travel restrictions, we've been able to work with foreign partners on their projects here in Africa because we have the equipment and technical experience.

 During the live streaming of matches at the FC Ebedei Stadium, comments are always made about the team and facility, how impressed are you?

I'm very impressed, the team is doing a fantastic job because the astroturf is giving the players a platform to showcase their talents and abilities and a good camera view.

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